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Call for incoming teaching mobility from non Eu Countries 2017/18

Call for application for incoming teaching mobility from Argentina, China, Chile, Brasil, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine

How to apply 

1. Identify the department or staff member you would like to have an exchange with. Email the relevant teacher, including a CV, to show your area of expertise and how an exchange would benefit both universities.You can find staff  contact details through the pages below:

List of Academic Departments at the University of Pavia
Course catalogue 

Teaching slots available for visiting professors at the Dept of Politics 

2 Agree a short Teaching programme with the hosting department 

3. Complete the online application form and upload the attachements by 6 October 2017, 12 pm Italy time

A decision will be made by a Commitee designated by the Rector

Page updated on 31/08/2017