Latin American consensus for the internationalization in postgraduate education - CONSENSUS
UNIPV structure involved: International Relations Office
UNIPV Team: Prof Paolo Gamba, prof. Silva Bortolussi
Project Duration: 3 years
Start Date: 15 Nov 2018 End Date: 14 Nov 2021
Coordinator: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Partner countries involved: Argentina, Paraguay
Partners: Sapienza, Universitā di Roma, Italy; Universitā di Pavia, Italy; Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Argentina (CUIA), Italy; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain; Universitč d’Aix Marseille, France; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Fundacion Isalud, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Lujan, Argentina; Secretaria de Politicas Universitarias, Argentina; Universidad Gran Asuncion, Paraguay; Universidad Iberoamericana, Paraguay; Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Paraguay; Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencias, Paraguay
Budget: € 999.500,00
UNIPV structure involved: International Relations Office
UNIPV Team: Prof Paolo Gamba, prof. Silva Bortolussi
Project Duration: 3 years
Start Date: 15 Nov 2018 End Date: 14 Nov 2021
Coordinator: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Partner countries involved: Argentina, Paraguay
Partners: Sapienza, Universitā di Roma, Italy; Universitā di Pavia, Italy; Consorzio Interuniversitario per l’Argentina (CUIA), Italy; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain; Universitč d’Aix Marseille, France; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Fundacion Isalud, Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Lujan, Argentina; Secretaria de Politicas Universitarias, Argentina; Universidad Gran Asuncion, Paraguay; Universidad Iberoamericana, Paraguay; Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Paraguay; Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencias, Paraguay
Budget: € 999.500,00
Internationalization is a common objective of LA HEIs. Two of the most common strategies for the internationalization of postgraduate education are:
1) International academic association for the development of joint programmes;
2) International postgraduate mobility with academic recognition.
Shortage of agreed indicators that allow the characterization and measurement in a comparable way of the principal variables involved in the mentioned two strategies has certainly contributed to hinder their implementation. Particularly important is the lack of a broad consensus on two essential components of postgraduate education that are worldwide recognized:
a) Student centered learning (SCL), mainly in relation to three elements that are useful in the operationalization of said SCL: learning outcomes, competences and credits;
b) Quality assurance.
In this context, this project aims at creating, developing and sustaining a Latin American network of Ministries of Education and Universities, both public and private ones, in order to contribute to the internationalization of postgraduate education, by means of the consensus on standards related to substantial variables linked to student-centered learning (learning outcomes, competences and credits) and quality assurance. Consensus not only to be applied in the postgraduate programmes provided by the universities that take part in the project but to be also used as a common platform, which will be continuously updated, for all those countries and universities who wish to internationalize their postgraduate programs. Such space will be constantly open to the incorporation of Ministries of Education and Universities from other LA countries who wish to contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives of the network.
The expected impact of the project is to favor the deployment of the two main strategies that have the HEIs for the internationalization of postgraduates: joint programmes and mobility with academic recognition.