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Innovative Strategic partnership for European Higher Education (ISPEHE)

Innovative Strategic Partnership for European Higher Education (ISPEHE)

Website: http

UNIPV structure involved: Department of Economics and Management

UNIPV Team: Prof. Birgit Hagen

Project Duration: 24 months

Start Date: 1 January 2015                   End Date: 31 December 2016

Coordinator: the Integrated Business Institute (IBI) – FYR Macedonia

Partners: The University College of Economics and Culture (EKA) – Latvia, University of Pavia – Italy, Riga Technical University (RTU) – Latvia; University of Ljubljana – Slovenia

Budget: € 252.955,00

Budget UNIPV: € 65.842,00

The project “Innovative strategic partnership for European higher education” (ISPEHE) is financed and supported by the European Commission, Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership. It will be implemented by the Integrated Business Institute in Skopje (R. of Macedonia) as project coordinator and University of Pavia (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola, Riga (Latvia) and Technical University of Riga (Latvia) as partners. It will be conducted for a period of 24 months (from January, 2015 to December,2016).
The project will address several identified best practices at the European level: teaching of entrepreneurship, an integrated and innovative approach to entrepreneurship education, establishing a link between HEIs and enterprises for the development of practical learning pathways.
The project is developed based on the complementarity between the current societal needs, the identified gaps and proposed recommendations in the EU strategic documents and previously successfully implemented projects by the partnering institutions. The purpose is to create a sustainable innovative improvement of the current approaches adopted and successfully implemented in all partnering institutions, and produce a long-term strategic model that will operate successfully beyond the project period.
Building upon this complementary approach to individually implemented activities in each of the partnering institutions, the project has three main innovative components: the Business Education Public Integration Platform (hereinafter referred to as BEP), the Integrated Model (SILM) that should share educational best practices across Europe, and the Consolidated Career Centre.
The overall objective of the project is to support the development of an innovative pathway by improving long-term strategic collaboration between Higher Education Institutions and enterprises and enhancing the development of sustainable learning advancements in HEIs.

The specific objectives of the project are:
  • To support and implement models for effective and practical learning, through raising the awareness for an innovation driven culture: establishing educational best practices dedicated to the improvement of the current learning methods in the partnering institutions, fostering innovation, creativity, business and leadership skills;
  • To establish a foundation for promoting innovation and various career paths among prospective students: developing a collaborative link among stakeholders dedicated at increasing mutual linkages on all operational levels, focusing on the enhancement of intrapreneurship;
  • To develop cutting-edge technology platform: designing an innovative solution dedicated to merging all stakeholders and creating various opportunities for sharing experiences, joint collaborative efforts and added value to all interested parties.
  • The overall and specific objectives address the following needs: strengthening the link between HEIs and the business sector, establishing joint contemporary educational practices based on existing curricula implemented separately in each partnering institution, raising innovation awareness of students and improving the intrapreneurial culture in existing businesses. The main aim of the project is the ability to address these issues successfully, in order to create an innovative culture, supported through long-term constant collaboration among HEIs and the business sector and the creation of educational best practices among HEIs aimed at increasing entrepreneurial and innovative capacities among students.

This project aims to achieve the following results and outputs:
  • Increased and strengthened network of stakeholders and enhanced communication among the partnering institutions and stakeholders
  • Enhanced public awareness for the improvement of higher education on European level
  • Enhanced capacities of team members related to best educational practices implemented at each organization
  • ‘Integrated Model for Fostering an Innovation Driven Culture and Learning Efficiency at HEIs – a model developed by synergizing comprehensive educational approaches already implemented in the partnering HEIs, using a complementary approach to establish new pilot curricula, focused on introducing innovative concepts to current learning methods utilized.
  • Increased capacities of team members to undertake advisory activities, pedagogical services and participatory approach in guiding students to most suitable prospective career paths
  • Pilot Consolidated Career Centre which will maximize the expertise in providing best career guidance for prospective students.
  • Creation of Business Education Public (BEP) Integration Platform for increasing the collaboration opportunities for businesses, public institutions, HEIs, students, and other stakeholders. The BEP Platform will offer several innovative components, including supporting online collaborative undertakings with transparent project and time management tools.